Doctrine of Popes, Councils and Local Synods

Pope Leo І the Great (440 - 461) in one of his homilies about Ascention emphasizes how important it is to receive charisms of the Holy Spirit so as to strengthen one's faith by which all obstacles can be overcome. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives believers the power to cast out demons, heal the sick and raise human from the dead (see РL 54, 398).

Local 16th synod in Toledo (693) affirms that the Church is shining with the Holy Spirit charisms for the whole world (see DH 575). The light can't shine if it is not radiated outside, in the same way Church can't shine for the whole world with charisms if they are not being used.

In teaching about the Holy sacrament of Confirmation, the Council of Florence (1439 - 1445) in «Decree for Armenians» says that to those who receive this Sacrament with belief, the Holy Spirit is given in the same way as it was given to the apostles on the day of Pentecost (see DH 1319).

Such a dogmatic declaration of the Church Teachers government includes not only statement that believers in Holy Sacrament of Confirmation receive the wholeness of the Holy Spirit gift, but also that the Spirit acts in believers in the same way as it acted in apostles. It gives them possibility to preach Christian cerigma in the power of the Holy Spirit. They are given an opportunity not only for salvation from eternal death, but revealing of a whole person. Every believer gets an opportunity to make wonders and signs in the same way as apostles and their pupils did.

Pope Leo XІІІ (1878 - 1903) in his encyclic «Dіvіnum іllud munus» asserts that presence of charisms in Catholic Church is an evidence of Its Divine message (see DH 3328).

In this encyclical, when explaining the difference between acts of the Holy Spirit at the times of Old and New Covenants, quoting his predecessor St. Leo І the Great (440 - 461), Leo XII says that the Holy Spirit after the Pentecost excessively accumulates its charisms in faithful Christians (see DH 3343).

What's more, Leo XІІІ said that in Catholic Church there have always been many believers, gifted with special charisms of the Holy Spirit (see DH 3801), that Church isn't formed only by people, gifted with hierarchical gifts (deacons, priests, bishops), or only by people gifted with charisms, but both are connected by the Holy Spirit in one Body and form the integrity of Church (see DH 3801).

«Pope Leo ХІІІ in year 1897 published an encyclical on the Holy Spirit, and on January 1, 1901 devoted the ХХ-th century and whole Christian world to It. That initiation lead to new charismatic movement in the Church. So, the true source of Catholic charismatic Renewal is in the Catholic Church itself, and not in church communities of protestant flow. Spiritual Awakening of the ХХ-th century was influenced, among others, by beatific Helena Guerra and Pope Leo ХІІІ, who again turned Church's attention onto role of the Holy Spirit and strong need for spiritual Renewal in It.»

When beatific Pope John XXІІІ (1958 - 1963) had been convoking the Second Vatican Council, he promised new Pentecost to the Church. At the opening of the ІІ Vatican Council, Pope John ХХІІІ said a prayer, which practically became a program of Catholic Renewal: «Spirit of God, mercifully hear our prayer, which is addressed to You from lips from all corners of the world - renew these days the mystery of first Pentecost. Let the Church, remaining joined in prayer with Mary, Mother of Jesus, and under command of beatific Peter, spread the Kingdom of Heavenly Redeemer, the Kingdom of love and piece».

No doubt that among all ecumenical Councils, the ІІ Vatican Council (1962 - 1965) paid the most attention to charisms and their influence on inner life of Church.
In the dogmatic constitution «Dеі Vеrbum» the Council asserts that the Holy Spirit improves faith of the believers with charisms (see DV 5). Ljudеvіt Rupčіć in his commentary to this constitution says that faith, just as a seed, has to grow and develop, but this is possible only due to the charisms of Holy Spirit.

In decree «Prеsbytеrоrum оrdіnіs» the Council emphasizes on the duty of priests to discern charisms in faithful, entrusted to them, and help those charisms be put for the ministry to others (see PО 9).

In pastoral constitution «Gаudіum еt spеs», the Council makes a list of charisms, according to the list given in 12th chapter of the first letter to Corinthians (see GS 38).

In the decree «Аpоstоlіcаm аctuоsіtаtеm» the Council emphasizes that all faithful laity are called to apostolate. The Holy Spirit helps them in this task through the ministry of Church and by sacraments, as well as by various charisms (see АА 3). The same decree in paragraph 30 emphasizes that every believer has to put his charisms for the service to his brothers. By this, the Council implicitly asserts that every Catholic, whose faith is living and active, has at least one charism.

In the decree «Unіtаtіs rеdіntеgrаtіо» the Council enlists charisms of the Holy Spirit to constitutional elements of Church (see UR 3).

In the dogmatic constitution «Lumеn gеntіum» the Council clearly says that the Holy Spirit teaches and leads Church through different hierarchic and charismatic gifts, thus enlisting charisms to constitutional elements of the Church (see LG 4). Considering Church functioning, the Council sets a stress on duties of those who manage the Church to take care of charisms cherishing between believers, and also watch out so as not to quench the Spirit in the Church (see LG 12).
According to the teaching of the Council, we have to accept charisms (whether extraordinary or the simplest) with gratitude, because the Spirit gives them with the purpose to satisfy needs of the Church (see LG 12).
The Council repeats statement of the constitution «Lumеn gеntіum» that charisms belong to constitutional elements of Church, in decree «Аd gеntіs» (see АG 4). In that same decree, when speaking about missionary message of Church, the Council says that the Spirit distributes the charisms as He wills for common good (see АG 23).

Pope Paul VІ (1963 - 1978) was very disposed to charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. He had a couple of meetings with Catholic charismats and many homilies and lectures at charismatic meetings.
Here I want to mention only the most outstanding.
At general audience on November 29, 1972 Paul VІ said that Church needs the Holy Spirit as a source of charisms.

On October 10, 1973 Pope received at audience representors of Catholic charismatic movement and expressed great pleasure from this new spiritual Renewal of the Catholic Church.
In his speach in front of cardinal board on January 21, 1973 Paul VІ emphasizes the importance of charismatic movement for the whole Church, because through it you can feel blowing of the Spirit that now again intensively gives charisms in the Church.

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