
Head of UGCC Sees Need to Develop UGCC Structure in Italy


"My general impression is that the life of our workers in Italy is normalizing. This means that many of them have already had the opportunity to obtain legal residence status, that they have already become better acquainted with the circumstances and culture and somewhat learned the language."

So said His Beatitude Lubomyr in an interview for Radio Resurrection, which is published on the official web site of the UGCC. In addition, the Head of the UGCC said that this does not mean that all whom he had the opportunity to meet or those with whom he had the opportunity to talk wish to remain there. "Rather, a fairly significant number, thank God, wish to return to Ukraine, to their families. It seems to me that a moment of original distinction has come, which will help us determine how to develop our Church's structure for the future in Italy," the Head of the UGCC said in relation to this matter.

Consequently in this interview which the Head of the UGCC gave after his May visit to Italy, in relation to the development of the ecclesiastical structure of the UGCC in this country His Beatitude Lubomyr said: "There is lacking a structure which would gather all those priests [who minister in Italy - author] in some way in one. We have a pastoral coordinator today. He is trying to coordinate this pastoral ministry, but he cannot do very much in addition to that, because all those priests who are there are under the direct care of the local Latin bishop. Thank God these bishops are involved, trying to do something for these priests, for their pastoral ministry, and also for the people. They allow the use of premises, churches, etc. But each is on his own. There is no such element which would inwardly connect them, which would make possible joint programs... We have to create a structure which would help these individual mission stations, these parishes, join in one, in order to have joint programs of catechesis, resolving other problems, some certain system which would operate all over Italy," His Beatitude Lubomyr explained.;22651/