
Christians will pray for persecuted believers in Uzbekistan


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Please join us in prayer for Christians in Uzbekistan that are suffering great persecution for their faith. For some time now, Uzbek officials have been refusing registration of Christian Churches. When Christians gather for their Church services without the official registration it is considered breaking the law of the land. Therefore, Christians are severely punished. They are arrested, all Christian literature is confiscated and destroyed. On multiple occasions during the dismissal of Church services Christians were severely battered, including women and children.

Officials are raiding and strip searching homes in search of additional Bibles in the home. Families are only allowed one bible per household. The fine for having multiple Bibles in a home ranges from 100 to 300 times a minimal monthly salary. For the very poor population of Uzbekistan it is an impossible fine to pay.

In August of this year The Baptist Union of Uzbekistan, a nonprofit and tax exempt organization was fined for not paying taxes for the entire time of existence. Three people-The Chair, general accountant and the director of Christian Camp were arrested and currently facing a three year prison sentence in this Muslim country. The court will preside over this case on September 24th, 2009.