
God bless our donors and let their hand never become poor - Parish of Transfiguration of the Lord, UGCC


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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!



Glory to Jesus Christ!

Father Igor Pagulych, the administrator of Parish of Transfiguration of the Lord, applies to you. The Parish is in Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarchate of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Dnieprodzerzinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region.

Our community, which was one of the first in the East of Ukraine, was founded in our town in 1994.

From the very beginning we endured hard times. On one side, there was no church, and because of this we had to pray in different places and sometimes in hard conditions.

On the other side, the attitude of our town administration to our Parish was not good and, as a result, our community wad been registered only in 1997.

Nowadays, we celebrate Liturgy in the basement of the Roman-Catholic church and this is convenient neither to us, nor to Roman-Catholics.

Our Parish has children Christian Sunday school and there are about 100 parish people. During the latest years we have been trying to achieve the agreement on choosing the land for building of the Church of Transfiguration of the Lord.

Thanks to God, our new town administration allowed us to build the Church of Transfiguration of the Lord (The Resolution № 295 from 06.05.2006.) and thus our Parish has the real opportunity (for the first time during 12 years) to have our God `s Church.

It is impossible to build the church only by our Parish efforts, because of the low material level of our parishioners.

That's why we are making a request for your help, if you can, in building the Church of Transfiguration of the Lord.

Making donations to the building of the Church you will do your bit to the development of the Greek-Catholic Church in the East of Ukraine.

We shall pray for our donors so that the Lord would endow them generous gifts for everlasting life.

Let the hand of our donors, people who donate for the building of the Lord's Church, never become poor!

The numbers our personal account in Dneprodzerzhinsk office of the bank "Privatbank":

p/p- 26007161092001 - in grivnas

p/p- 26005161092070 - in euro

MФО 305965, ОКПО 24993566

The aim of the payment - donates for the building of the Church.

P. S. The duplicate of certificate of Exarch of Donetsk-Charkiv Exarchate of

Kir Stepan Menyok is applied to our letter.




21 march 2006
Exit № ДХЕ 12/06

To all over man of honour Igor Pagulych
administrator of parish of Transfiguration
of the Lord t. Dnieprodzerzhinsk


This document gives the benediction to collect money for building of the church for our local people in Dnieprodzerzhinsk.
Let God bless our donors and let the hand of our donors never become poor.
God's blessings to you.

+ Stepan Menyok ЧНІ -----------------
Exarch of Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarchate.