
A Self-Reliant Church in Africa


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(27 Jul 10 - RV) The 15th Plenary Assembly of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar, also known as SECAM, is underway in Accra, Ghana.

The theme this year is "SECAM at 40: Self-Reliance and the Way Forward for the Church in Africa."

We spoke with the Archbishop of Accra and President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference, Monsignor Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle:

"It's going to be an exciting time. We are coming together and we are going to listen to the spirit, read the scriptures and look for the signs of the times, to see how to place the African Church in a position to lead Africa further forward in her social, political, economic development and most importantly her religious and spiritual development".

"The Church in Africa is growing very fast. It needs to be able to welcome this growth accepts the challenges thereof form our lay men and women so they can take up their places as salt of the earth light of the world, form our young men and women who may want to enter into the priesthood and religious life so they can offer their service to the Church here and elsewhere in the world. Form our Catholic elite in our Catholic universities to be able to take up their roles in the socio-political spheres of society. These are the challenges that we are very happy to take up!"